Advanced neurodata management
Advanced neurodata (ANDA) management services for FAIR data sharing is a research data management service for scientists who want to share their research data on
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Introducing the new generation of neural-circuit technologies to the broad spectrum of neuroscientists in Norway.
One of the greatest advances in neuroscience during the past few decades is the invention of tools for monitoring and manipulating electrical activity in large distributed neural circuits. These tools have laid the basis for studies of neural network computation and the mechanistic basis of higher brain functions and they are expected to help us understand complex neural dysfunctions including psychiatric diseases. The Nobel Prize to the Mosers is a direct reflection of this turn to neural-systems analyses.
As well as introducing the new generation of neural-circuit technologies to the broad spectrum of neuroscientists in Norway, NORBRAIN also set up for training of new users in order to facilitate the use and integration of the new technologies.
Advanced neurodata (ANDA) management services for FAIR data sharing is a research data management service for scientists who want to share their research data on
The introduction of genetic tools for labelling have opened the doors to cell-specific connectomic studies, but mapping of brain connectivity still faces labour-intensive processes such as
The Viral Vector Core at Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience is a well-equipped facility with a rare expertise to make high quality viruses for research purposes.
Many signal transduction events in cells are mediated by protein-protein or protein-RNA interactions. Changes in protein activity are often mediated by a change in protein
Two-photon (2P) microscopy is an extremely powerful technique that permits visualization and interrogation of complex neural tissue in 3D, with detailed subcellular resolution and minimal
The patch clamp technique is an electrophysiological technique that enables to study the electrical properties of living cells. This method allows to record the ionic
The equipment delivers high-resolution microscopic brightfield or fluorescence images of histological sections on standard (or large format) slides, with options for acquisitions of entire sections
Super resolution microscopy (SRM) allows optical microscopy with higher resolutions, beyond the light diffraction limit. The NORBRAIN SRM units offers expertise, services, education, and training
Two-photon laser scanning microscopy is a fluorescence imaging technique that allows fast and minimally invasive imaging of living tissue to a depth of one millimeter
To understand computation at the neural-circuit level, we must record action potentials simultaneously and accurately from many hundreds of neurons at distributed brain locations in
Development of a miniature 2-photon miniscope for large-scale calcium imaging in freely moving mice allows stable simultaneous recording of more than a thousand cells across multiple
The study of the microanatomy of cells and their formation into tissues and organs as seen through a microscope. Histology forms the basis of much of our
Norwegian 7T MR Center is a National infrastructure for neuroscience research. The mission is to provide the Norwegian community of neuroscientists the very best tools for high resolution structure-function
Process to achieve advanced knowledge of functional neuroanatomy and systems neuroscience. Studies involve detailed explorations of the anatomical structures and pathways that underlie sensation and perception in each of
The Nikon Eclipse Ti2 is a versatile widefield fluorescence microscope optimized for intracellular localization and live-cell tracking of proteins or RNA and detection of cell
The NORBRAIN mass spectrometry unit delivers high sensitivity for the quantitative analysis of small molecules, peptides, toxins and drugs. We provide expertise, services, education, and
Surgery facilities are available for users planning to perform experiments with instruments that are part of the NORBRAIN facility (tetode recordings, Neuropixels recordings, 2P microscope
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Olav Kyrres gate 9
P.O. box 8905
7491 Trondheim
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
University of Oslo
Domus Medica, Gaustad
Sognsvannsveien 9
P.O box 1110, Blindern
0317 OSLO
The Department of Biomedicine
Faculty of Medicine and
Faculty of Psychology
University of Bergen
Bygg for biologiske basalfag
Jonas Lies vei 91
P.O. box 7800
5020 Bergen